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Regulations for Designation and Revocation of Natural Landscapes and Natural Monuments _ Revised and promulgated on 28th July 2017

1.10 articles were promulgated by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, No. 094170155, on 6th January 2006; these regulations shall come into force on the day of promulgation.
2.The title was revised and 13 articles were promulgated by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, No. 1061701547, on 28th July 2017; these regulations shall come into force on the day of promulgation. (Original Title: Regulations for Designation and Revocation of Natural Landscapes)


Article 1: These Regulations are enacted pursuant to the provisions of the fourth paragraph of Article 81 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (hereinafter "Act").


Article 2: The regulations for designation criteria of natural landscapes are as below:

  1. Nature reserve: Areas which are nature, well preserved, and with one of the requirements below:
    (1) Representative ecosystem, and presenting biodiversity
    (2) Unique land formations, geological phenomena, and presenting diversity of natural landscapes
    (3) Permanent value of observation, education and scientific researches
  2. Geopark: Areas with requirements below:
    (1) Geological heritage with special topographic and ecological phenomena
    (2) Importance of special science, scarcity, value from the point of view of aesthetics
    (3) Representative for certain area’s geological history, events and processes

Article 3: The regulations for designation criteria of natural monuments are as below:

  1. Valuable and rare plants: domestic and rare/ endangered
  2. Valuable and rare minerals: domestic and rare
  3. Special topographic and ecological phenomena: with requirements below:
    (1) Naturally formed and rare to be seen
    (2) Value from the point of view of science, education, aesthetics, and watching


Article 4: The processes of designation of natural landscapes and monuments are as below:

  1. On-site inspections and to hold a seminar or public hearing
  2. Assessment reports
  3. Decisions will be made after the review committees review the designation
  4. Public announcement
  5. Where the natural landscape/ monument is designated by the municipal or county (city) government, the competent authority shall report to the central competent authority for recordation.
    The designation of the national natural landscapes and natural monuments shall be designated by the central competent authority to be designated as the natural landscapes and natural monuments designated by the municipal, county (city) government; In the event that a natural landscape or natural monument's value increases, the designated authority of the original municipal, county (city) government shall report the central competent authority for designation. The central competent authority may also designate when necessary.
    Process 1 is allowed to be applied when the area of a natural landscape/ monument is changed. However, If the designation is revoked or category is revised due to the value of natural landscapes and natural monuments designated by the municipal, county or city governmenthas reduced or increased while the area is changed, it shall be reported to the central competent authority for approval. After the change of the natural landscape and the natural monument category, the original designated authority shall revoke the original designation announcement, and the date of its revocation shall be traced back to the effective date of the category change announcement.


Article 5: In the event that a national natural landscape or natural monument’s value diminishes to the same level as municipal, county or city’s, the central competent authority shall submit the assessment report to central review committee and pass to municipal, county or city competent authorities for announced after passing the committee’s review. The regulation shall also be applied when a natural landscape/monument’s value diminishes due to the change of area.


Article 6: Natural landscape assessment report shall include the following:

  1. Corresponding designation criteria and specific content
  2. The level of preservation
  3. The cause and reason of designation, area changing or revocation
  4. Land ownership, range, area and location map (Geopark may include zoning plan)
  5. The affects to designation area
  6. Environmental features and current condition of resources
  7. Preservation, maintenance plan and feasibility assessment
  8. Threats, existing preservation, maintenance measures and future conservation strategies
  9. Major resolutions from the seminar or public hearing
  10. Management maintainer
  11. Anticipated benefits
  12. Matters for compliance

Article 7: Natural monument assessment report shall include the following:

  1. Corresponding designation criteria and specific content
  2. The level of preservation
  3. The cause and reason of designation, area changing or revocation
  4. Land ownership, range, area and location map (Geopark may include zoning plan)
  5. The affects to designation area
  6. Numbers of distribution or population
  7. Threats, existing preservation, maintenance measures and future conservation strategies
  8. Major resolutions from the seminar or public hearing
  9. Management maintainer
  10. Anticipated benefits
  11. Matters for compliance

Article 8: Regulations for revocation of natural landscapes/ monuments are as below:

  1. Achieved the goal of preservation, and no longer need for designation
  2. In the event that a natural landscape/ monument is destroyed or its value diminishes and its damage is impossible to restore
  3. The function and utility of protection has been replaced by other conservation measures or other legal protected areas.

Article 9: For the revocation of a natural landscape/ monument, designated authority shall submit the assessment report to the related review committee for approval and then make public declaration. If the designated authority is municipal, county or city competent authority, it shall be reported to central competent authority for revocation.


Article 10: The explanatory illustrations of designation, area changing or revocation of a natural landscape/ monument shall be publicly displayed in its township (city) office after announcement is made by competent authority. The display cannot be under 30 days; After display, explanatory illustrations shall be safely kept for reference.


Article 11: The central competent authority shall provide assistances to municipal, county or city competent authority's researches, preservation, and maintenance for natural landscapes/ monuments as following:

  1. Provide advice and information
  2. Provide budget supplement for researches, monitors, preservation and maintenance


Article 12: When the owner of a natural landscape or a natural monument applies to the competent authority for designation in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 81 of the Act, he shall fill out the forms (see attached 1 and 2) and along with other relevant information. The same applies to individuals or groups that report content and range of a natural landscape or a natural monument to competent authority in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 79 of the Act.

Article 13: The act shall come into force on the day of promulgation.


WebSite:For more details please visit Ministry of Culture